Monday, February 4, 2008

Stupid WoW

Since the Launch of WoW way back when, I've been playing on-and-off. Just a few days ago I renewed my account for the 3rd time. What is it about that stupid game!? After I play for a few months, I realize that WoW wasted a big chunk of my life once again and I quit... Yet I come back half a year later. I think to myself: "Oh, I'll just create a character just for fun and soloing"... then BAM! I'm level 40 looking for a Scarlet Monastery group because I just HAVE to get that stupid dagger. And of course, I hate certain classes and races, yet I go back to trying them out as if I'd hate them less this time. I could complain over and over again about all the flaws of WoW and how much it ruins my life but... I'm going to go play now. I'm wasting valuable leveling time.



Kerr said...

Wow and gamers is like a whore and a std. Once it grows on you, goodluck trying to get rid of it. Roll with it, its a game.

Liquid_Courage said...

I used to get paid to Level friends....losers haha...
Dude, forget WoW, that game screwed me over for a year. There's plenty of other games out there, like smash brothers, wholesome fun game with friends.

Probably a good thing your not experimenting with drugs and alcohol lol...or else you'd be on WoW even everyone else.