Sunday, March 23, 2008

Time Management

It's stupid that I'm trying to be good at two games. Especially when those two games are Call of Duty 4 and World of Warcraft. I try and budget my time well between the two, but there just aren't enough hours in the day. I think about it and I could very well just stick to one game and do extremely well in it... but no, I have to play two completely different genres. It's also stupid because it messes with my reflexes and movement within the game. In WoW I kinda just run around at half speed, pausing next to an opponent just to press the same few keys over and over again until dead. Rinse and repeat. Then in Call of Duty 4 I'm constantly running around, looking down sights, and chucking assorted hand held items. Just wait until Crisis Core comes out, then I'll be split between three games. The only thing that seems to be stopping me from playing games all the time is GotGame and sleep. I don't include food because I can just play and eat at the same time (now that's time management!). Ah well, I'll get there in both games someday. Maybe instead of being pro in one game like ZigZag, I'll just join crappy clans in both games. Although it is tempting to go pro. Then I can spend weeks bragging about my win at Gigafrag LAN.

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